SIDE (Super Ifu
Deployable Experiment)
SIDE is a instrumentation group formed by the F. Prada's Cosmology group at the IAA-CSIC
and the company AVS, targeted to instrumentation for survey spectroscopy.
The IAC, the LBNL and the University of Durham are also collaborators of SIDE.
SIDE has a valuable experience on precision fiber positioning mechanisms, built a 29 mm pitch Fiber Positioner
prototype and is currently designing a 12 mm pitch positioner for the BigBOSS project. This project involves the mechanics, electronics
and control software for the device. A patent is pending for the 29 mm pitch prototype design concept.
Our group participates to the BigBOSS project as leader member of the
Spain BIGBOSS Consortium and
participated to the ELT OPTIMOS-EVE Phase A work.